Nintendo denies Metroid dread (in 2d)

Could the disappearing-reappearing Metroid Dread project be nearing completion? Eagle-eyed Metroid Prime 3: Corruption players quickly noticed that one of the game’s umpteen scans said:

Experiment status report update: Metroid project ‘Dread’ is nearing the final stages of completion.

Awesome! Nintendo first announced this game, a traditional 2D Metroid for the Nintendo DS, to the media before E3 2006. Then it disappeared forever. This would seem to be a good wink-nudge indication that it’s on the way, except for the fact that Nintendo Europe denied it to CVG when they asked.

Oh well: as if Nintendo was going to reply with, “Why, of course Metroid Dread is on the way! Here’s an exclusive batch of screenshots just for being so smart!”